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The agent is divided into several modules.

Module Job
backends all the possible outputs (like stdout, file, databases...)
cmd agent entrypoint (it basically manage the run of the agent)
models store the models that represent what could be discovered
modules gather the independent module that will be run during scan
store internal payload where all the retrieved information are stored
utils extra helpers

The overall architecture is quite classical for plugin-based tools. An orchestrator schedules and runs the available modules and all the collected data can be sent in the backend you want.

flowchart LR

    subgraph middle
        direction TB
        models --> modules(modules);
        modules <--> store

    cmd --> middle;
    middle --> backends(backends);

    class store,models inactive;
    class middle empty;

    classDef node fill:#003366,stroke:transparent,font-family:monospace,color:white;
    classDef inactive fill:#ADD8E6,stroke:transparent,font-family:monospace;
    classDef empty fill:transparent,stroke:#444,color:transparent;